The current headwinds in the domestic market notwithstanding, natural rubber (NR) production in the country for 2022-23 is provisionally estimated to grow by 8.3 per cent to reach 8,39,000 tonnes from 7,75,000 tonnes recorded in the previous year.
According to a report on the current domestic status of the material, presented by M Vasanthagesan, Executive Director of the Rubber Board, in connection with the 184th meeting of the Board on Tuesday, consumption of the material for 2022-23 is provisionally estimated to reach 13,50,000 tonnes, with a growth rate of 9 per cent. The total volume of NR consumed last year was 12,38,000 tonnes.
As per the data published by the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, Kolkata, the total import of natural rubber during 2022-23 was 5,28,677 tonnes as against 5,46,369 tonnes during 2021-22. The country exported 3,700 tonnes of NR during 2022-23 compared to 3,560 tonnes during 2021-22.
An increase in yield, tappable area and area tapped during the year, etc., have contributed to the rise in NR production, he added. As part of NE-MITHRA, a rubber augmentation project of the Automotive Tyre Manufacturers Association (ATMA), the Rubber Board developed rubber Plantations in 3,859 hectors and 23,370 hectors, respectively, during 2021-22 and 2022-23 across the North-East and West Bengal.
Delivering the presidential address, Sawar Dhanania, Chairman of the Rubber Board, said the efforts for exploring the maximum opportunities in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector should be continued to improve the export of natural rubber (NR) products from the country.
He emphasized the need to identify the current demand for the products and promote the manufacture of such products. Mr. Dhanania said that the quality of raw materials like sheet rubber, rubber latex etc., which are essential for product making, should also be maintained at par with international grading standards.